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WHO可靠血清產(chǎn)品,無交叉凝集,質(zhì)量保證,反應快速,為*優(yōu)質(zhì)血清產(chǎn)品。本司還提供德國SiFin優(yōu)質(zhì)血清,性價比高,為各高校實驗室,研究所推薦血清產(chǎn)品!丹麥SSI大腸桿菌血清型鑒定,廣州健侖生物公司提供產(chǎn)品及服務!沙門氏菌O抗原因子 28 (M群)

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沙門氏菌O抗原因子 28 (M群)







沙門氏菌O抗原因子 28 (M群)

沙門氏菌O抗原因子 28 (M群)











( MOB:楊永漢)



【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-103

即基因重組由于基因的獨立分配或連鎖基因之間的 交換而在后代中出現(xiàn)親代所沒有的基因組合。原核生物的基因重組 有轉(zhuǎn)化、轉(zhuǎn)導和接合等方式。受體細胞直接吸收來自供體細胞的DN 段,并使它整合到自己的基因組中,從而獲得供體細胞部分傳性狀 的現(xiàn)象,稱為轉(zhuǎn)化。通過噬菌體媒介,將供體細胞DN段帶進受體細 胞中,使后者獲得前者的部分傳性狀的現(xiàn)象,稱為轉(zhuǎn)導。自然中轉(zhuǎn) 導現(xiàn)象較普遍,可能是低等生物進化過程中產(chǎn)生新的基因組合的一 種基本方式。供體菌和受體菌的完整細胞經(jīng)直接接觸而傳遞大段 DNA傳信息的現(xiàn)象,稱為接合。細菌和放線菌均有接合現(xiàn)象。高等 動植物中的基因重組通常在有性生殖過程中進行,即在性細胞成熟 時發(fā)生減數(shù)分裂時同源染色體的質(zhì)可實現(xiàn)交換,導致基因重組。基 因重組是雜交育種的生物學基礎,對生物圈的繁榮昌盛起重要作用 ,也是基因工程中的關鍵性容。從廣義上講,任何造成基因型變化 的基因交流過程,都叫做基因重組。
That is, gene recombination results in the combination of genes that the parent does not have in the offspring due to the independent distribution of genes or the exchange between linked genes. The gene recombination of prokaryotes has transformation, transduction, and conjugation. The recipient cell directly absorbs the DN segment from the donor cell and integrates it into its own genome, thereby obtaining a phenomenon in which the donor cell partially transmits the trait, called transformation. Through the phage vector, the DN segment of the donor cell is brought into the recipient cell, so that the latter acquires the phenomenon of partial transmission of the former, which is called transduction. The phenomenon of natural transduction is more common and may be a basic way of generating new gene combinations in the evolution of lower organisms. The phenomenon in which large cells of the donor and recipient bacteria are transmitted through direct contact with large pieces of DNA is known as conjugation. Bacteria and actinomycetes have junctions. Gene recombination in higher plants and animals is usually carried out during sexual reproduction, that is, when meiosis occurs during sexual cell maturation, the quality of homologous chromosomes can be exchanged, resulting in gene recombination. Recombination of genes is the biological basis of crossbreeding and plays an important role in the prosperity of the biosphere. It is also a key feature in genetic engineering. In a broad sense, any process of gene exchange that causes changes in genotypes is called gene recombination.


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
地址:廣東省廣州市番禺區(qū)石樓鎮(zhèn)清華科技園創(chuàng)啟路63號A2棟101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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