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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 進口檢測試劑 > 衣原體 > CELLABS沙眼衣原體抗原抗體診斷試劑盒(悉尼)


型    號: CELLABS
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悉尼隱孢子蟲酶聯(lián)免疫法ELISA檢測試劑 我司還提供其它進口或國產(chǎn)試劑盒:登革熱、瘧疾、流感、A鏈球菌、合胞病毒、腮病毒、乙腦、寨卡、黃熱病、基孔肯雅熱、克錐蟲病、違禁品濫用、肺炎球菌、軍團菌、化妝品檢測、食品安全檢測等試劑盒以及日本生研細菌分型診斷血清、德國SiFin診斷血清、丹麥SSI診斷血清等產(chǎn)品。



公司的主要產(chǎn)品有:隱孢子蟲診斷試劑,賈第蟲診斷試劑,瘧疾診斷試劑,衣原體檢測試劑,絲蟲診斷試劑,錐蟲診斷試劑等。Cellabs 的瘧疾ELISA試劑盒成為臨床上的一個重要的診斷工具盒科研上的重要鑒定工具。其瘧疾抗原HRP-2 ELISA檢測試劑盒和瘧疾抗體ELISA檢測試劑盒已經(jīng)成為醫(yī)學研究所的*試劑盒。Cellabs產(chǎn)品主要包括以下幾種方法學:直接(DFA)和間接(IFA)免疫熒光法,酶聯(lián)免疫吸附試驗(ELISA),和膠體金快速測試。所有產(chǎn)品都是按照GMP、CE標志按照ISO13485。



【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-3室


對直接涂片性者,也可采用沉淀集卵法或飽和鹽水浮聚法,檢出效果更好?;紫x影響1、少量成蟲寄生于小腸對妊娠影響不大。2、大量成蟲寄生于腸道,可致孕婦營養(yǎng)不良,影響胎兒生長發(fā)育。3、短期內(nèi)吞食大量感染性蟲卵合并嚴重感染,可出現(xiàn)蛔蟲性出血性肺炎、咯血及呼吸困難,可致胎兒宮內(nèi)窒息和發(fā)育遲緩。4、妊娠合并膽道蛔蟲癥、腸穿孔、腹膜炎、闌尾炎及肝膿腫等,均可導(dǎo)致流產(chǎn)、早產(chǎn)及死胎等。5、妊娠合并蛔蟲病并發(fā)嚴重感染,母胎死亡率增高。6、妊娠時胃酸減少,膨大的子宮迫使腸道移位,分娩時強烈的宮縮誘發(fā)腸蠕動增加,均可促使蛔蟲向膽管逆行。發(fā)病驟然,右上腹偏中有劇烈陣發(fā)痛,鉆鑿樣感,患者輾轉(zhuǎn)不安、惡心、嘔吐,可吐出蛔蟲。發(fā)作間期無疼痛或僅感輕微疼痛。若蛔蟲鉆入肝臟可引起蛔蟲性肝膿腫。對蛔蟲病的防治,應(yīng)采取綜合性措施。包括查治病人和帶蟲者,處理糞便、管好水源和預(yù)防感染幾個方面。加強宣傳教育,普及衛(wèi)生知識,注意飲食衛(wèi)生和個人衛(wèi)生,做到飯前、便后洗手,不生食未洗凈的蔬菜及瓜果,不飲生水,防止食入蛔蟲卵,減少感染機會。使用無害化人糞做肥料,防止糞便污染環(huán)境是切斷蛔蟲傳播途徑的重要措施。在使用水糞做肥料的地區(qū),可采用五格三池貯糞法,使糞便中蟲卵大部分沉降在池底。由于糞水中游離氨的作用和厭氧發(fā)酵,蟲卵可被殺滅,同時也會增加肥效。利用沼氣池發(fā)酵,既可解決農(nóng)戶照明、煮飯;又有利糞便無害化處理??砂肽曜笥仪宄淮渭S渣。此時,絕大部分蟲卵已失去感染能力。在用于糞做肥料的地區(qū),可采用泥封堆肥法,三天后,糞堆內(nèi)溫度可上升至52℃或更高,可以殺死蛔蟲卵。 對病人和帶蟲者進行驅(qū)蟲治療,是控制傳染源的重要措施。驅(qū)蟲治療既可降低感染率,減少傳染源,又可改善兒童的健康狀況。驅(qū)蟲時間宜在感染高峰之后的秋、冬季節(jié),學齡兒童可采用集體服藥。由于存在再感染的可能,所以,每隔3~4個月驅(qū)蟲一次。對有并發(fā)癥的患者,應(yīng)及時送醫(yī)院診治,不要自行用藥,以免貽誤病情。

For the direct smear, sedimentation egg collection method or saturated salt solution flocculation method can also be used, and the detection effect is better. Impact of locusts 1. Small amounts of adult parasites in the small intestine have little effect on pregnancy. 2, a large number of adult parasites in the intestine, can cause malnutrition in pregnant women, affecting fetal growth and development. 3, short-term ingestion of a large number of infectious eggs with severe infections, there may be tapeworm hemorrhagic pneumonia, hemoptysis and dyspnea, can cause fetal intrauterine asphyxia and developmental delay. 4, pregnancy with biliary ascariasis, intestinal perforation, peritonitis, appendicitis and liver abscess, etc., can lead to miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth. 5. In pregnancy, tsutsugamushi disease is complicated by severe infection, and the maternal-fetal mortality rate increases. 6. Reduced stomach acid during pregnancy. The enlarged uterus forces the intestine to shift. Involuntary contractions induce increased bowel movements during delivery, which can cause the worms to retrograde to the bile duct. Sudden onset, there is severe pain in the right upper quadrant, drill-like feeling, patients with restlessness, nausea, vomiting, spit out maggots. There was no or only minor pain during the interictal period. If aphids drill into the liver can cause aphid liver abscess. For the prevention and treatment of tsutsugamushi disease, comprehensive measures should be taken. Including the treatment of patients and insects, treatment of feces, control of water and prevent infection in several areas. Strengthen publicity and education, popularize hygiene knowledge, pay attention to food hygiene and personal hygiene, wash your hands before meals and after lunch, do not eat unwashed vegetables and fruits, do not drink raw water, prevent ingestion of tapeworm eggs, and reduce the chance of infection. The use of non-hazardous human waste as fertilizer to prevent feces from polluting the environment is an important measure to cut off the transmission of aphids. In areas where manure is used as fertilizer, five-cell, three-chamber manure storage methods can be used to allow most of the fecal eggs to settle at the bottom of the pool. Due to the effect of free ammonia in the faecal water and anaerobic fermentation, the eggs can be killed and the fertilizer effect can also be increased. Using biogas digesters to ferment can not only solve the problem of lighting and cooking for farmers, but also make the manure harmless. The feces residue can be removed once in half a year. At this point, most eggs have lost their ability to infect. In areas where manure is used as fertilizer, mud composting can be used. After three days, the temperature in the dunghill can rise to 52°C or higher, and it can kill locust eggs. Deworming treatment of patients and people with insects is an important measure to control the source of infection. Deworming treatment can reduce the infection rate, reduce the source of infection, and improve children's health. Deworming time should be in the autumn and winter seasons after the peak of infection. School-age children can use the drugs collectively. Due to the possibility of reinfection, it is best to repel once every 3 to 4 months. For patients with complications, they should be promptly sent to the hospital for treatment. Do not use medication on their own, so as not to delay the disease.


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
地址:廣東省廣州市番禺區(qū)石樓鎮(zhèn)清華科技園創(chuàng)啟路63號A2棟101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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