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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 進(jìn)口檢測試劑 > 熱帶病快檢卡 快檢試紙 > 高發(fā)季節(jié)性熱帶病檢測試劑盒


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廣州健侖長期供應(yīng)各種生物原料,主要代理品牌:美國Seracare、西班牙Certest、美國Fuller、美國NOVABIOS、 Cellabs等等。


    該公司的Crypto/Giardia Cel IFA是國標(biāo)*推薦的兩蟲檢測IFA染色試劑、Crypto Cel Antibody Reagent是UK DWI水質(zhì)安全評估檢測的*抗體。











免疫熒光試劑盒(IFA kit)


Crypto Cel


50 Test


Crypto/Giardia Cel

隱孢子蟲&賈第蟲(Cryptosporidium & Giardia)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑

50 Test


Giardia Cel


50 Test


Chlamydia Cel

沙眼衣原體(Chlamydia trachomatis)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑

50 Test


Chlamydia Cel LPS

衣原體 lipopolysaccharide (LPS)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑

50 Test


Chlamydia Cel Pn

肺炎衣原體(Chlamydia pneumoniae)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑

50 Test


Pneumo Cel

卡氏肺孢子蟲(Pneumocystis carinii)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑

50 Test


Pneumo Cel Indirect

卡氏肺孢子蟲( Pneumocystis carinii)間接免疫熒光檢測試劑

50 Test

酶免試劑盒 ELISA kit


Giardia CELISA

賈第蟲(Giardia)ELISA kit

96 Test


Entamoeba CELISA Path

溶組織內(nèi)阿米巴(Entamoeba histolytica) ELISA kit

96 Test

KF1 & KF2

Filariasis CELISA

班氏絲蟲(Wuchereria bancrofti ) ELISA kit



Malaria Antigen (HRP2) CELISA

惡性瘧原蟲(Plasmodium falciparum) 抗原 ELISA kit

192 Test


Pan Malaria Antibody CELISA

間日、三日、惡性及卵形瘧疾(Malaria)ELISA IgG kit

192 Test


T. cruzi IgG CELISA

克氏錐蟲(Trypanosoma cruzi) ELISA IgG kit

192 Test


Toxocara IgG CELISA

弓首線蟲(Toxocara canis) ELISA IgG kit

192 Test


Filariasis Ab (Bm14) CELISA

淋巴絲蟲病(lymphatic filariasis) ELISA IgG kit

480 Test


Quantimal™ pLDH Malaria CELISA

瘧疾pLDH抗體檢測 ELISA kit

96 Test



【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號(hào)二期2幢101-3室


例如,北半球北回歸線以北地區(qū)的山地,南坡(陽坡)比北坡(陰坡)要獲得更多的熱量,因此,盡管 南北坡海拔高度大致相同,但南坡氣溫高于北坡;潮濕氣流如果與山地延伸方向相垂直或斜交,那么,迎風(fēng)坡多雨,背風(fēng)坡少雨。
例如中國東部山地,夏季因氣流來自東南方向,所以南坡降水量多于北坡,以致南北坡相同 海拔水熱狀況不一,所以南北坡垂直自然帶有明顯差異。同是一個(gè)山地,南北坡坡麓可以分屬不同的氣候 帶和自然帶。
例如,中國秦嶺南坡坡麓屬于亞熱帶常綠闊葉林帶,北坡坡麓則屬于暖溫帶落葉闊葉林帶。 任何一個(gè)山地垂直自然帶,總是在相應(yīng)的水平自然帶基礎(chǔ)上形 成和發(fā)展起來的。與水平自然帶相*的山麓自然帶,稱為垂直自然帶基帶。
一般說來,山地所處地理 緯度愈低、氣候愈濕潤、相對高度愈大,垂直自然帶表現(xiàn)愈完整。南極大陸氣候嚴(yán)寒,呈現(xiàn)茫茫一片冰原 景觀,就談不上真正的垂直自然帶。
On a global scale, the division of the natural belt was mainly based on different latitudes.
The difference in solar radiation energy divides the earth's surface into five zones: the tropical zone, the north temperate zone, and the southern temperate zone: the north frigid zone and the south frigid zone. Later, they were subdivided based on differences in climate and biology.
In the ocean, the ocean surface is mainly divided into seven zones according to the differences of the ocean's climate, hydrology, biology and other natural geographical factors: the equatorial belt, the southern tropics, the northern tropics, the South Temperate Zone, the North Temperate Zone, the Antarctic Zone, and the Arctic Zone.
Due to the complex conditions in the mainland and the obvious differences in zonality between the oceans, the division of the natural belts on the mainland is smaller than that of the oceans, and the zoning of different scholars is also different.
Climatic features are used to mark the mainland's natural belts. The southern and northern hemispheres can be divided from the equator to the poles: the equatorial belt, the tropics, the subtropical zone, the warm temperate zone, the middle temperate zone, the cold temperate zone, the sub-frigid zone, and the cold zone. There are 15 natural zones in the world. Since the mainland natural belts are complicated by the influence of non-zonal factors, the typical characteristics of each natural belt have a distinct expression in vegetation types, so the natural belts in the land can be further divided into: tropical rain forest belts, tropical savannah belts. , tropical desert belt, subtropical desert grassland belt, subtropical forest belt, temperate desert belt, temperate grassland belt, temperate broad-leaved forest belt, sub-arctic coniferous forest belt, cold belt tundra belt, polar ice sheet belt.
The natural belt formed by the interaction of climate, biology and soil forms a vertical natural belt with increasing altitude. Natural environment in the mountainous area than in the low flat area
Complex, so the vertical natural belt is much more complex than the horizontal natural belt.
For example, in the mountains north of the Northern Hemisphere Tropic of Cancer, the south slope (sunny slope) needs more heat than the northern slope (yin slope). Therefore, although the altitudes of the north and south slopes are roughly the same, the temperature on the south slope is higher than that on the north slope; If the moist air flow is perpendicular or oblique to the direction of the mountain extension, then the windward slope is rainy and the leeward slope is less rainy.
For example, in the eastern mountainous regions of China, the summer rainfall is from the southeastern direction, so the southern slope has more precipitation than the northern slope, resulting in different water and heat conditions at the same elevation on the north and south slopes. Therefore, the vertical nature of the north and south slopes is obviously different. The same is a mountainous area. The slopes on the north and south slopes can be divided into different climatic zones and natural zones.
For example, the slopes of the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains in China belong to the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest belt, while the slopes of the northern slope belong to the warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest belt. Any vertical natural belt in the mountains is always formed and developed on the basis of the corresponding horizontal natural belt. Hawthorn's natural belt, which is consistent with the horizontal natural belt, is called vertical natural belt.
In general, the lower the geographical latitude, the wetter the climate, the higher the relative height, the more complete the vertical natural belt. The climate of the Antarctic continent is very cold and it presents a vast landscape of ice fields. There is no real vertical natural belt.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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