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( MOB:楊永漢)  









【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-103



下橄欖核 發(fā)出纖維越過中線行至對側(cè)(左右交叉)后,在延髓背外側(cè)聚集上行 ,與脊髓小腦后束等共同組成小腦下腳,經(jīng)第四腦室外側(cè)折向背側(cè)進 入小腦。軀體運動核,位于腦干中線兩側(cè),共有8對,它們分別是:① 動眼神經(jīng)核nuclcus nervi oculomotorii:位于中腦上丘平面,由 此核發(fā)出的纖維參與組成動眼神經(jīng),支配上直肌、下直肌、內(nèi)直肌、 下斜肌、上瞼提肌。②滑車神經(jīng)核nucleus nervi trochlearis:位 于中腦下丘平面,發(fā)出的纖維組成滑車神經(jīng),支配上斜肌。③展神經(jīng) 核nucleus nervi abducentis:位于腦橋中下部,相當于面神經(jīng)丘 的深面,此核發(fā)出的纖維組成展神經(jīng),支配外直肌。④三叉神經(jīng)運動 核motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve:位于腦橋中部展神經(jīng)核的 外上方,由此核發(fā)出的纖維組成三叉神經(jīng)運動根,出腦后加入下頜神 經(jīng),支配咀嚼肌。⑤面神經(jīng)核facial nucleus:位于腦橋中下部,由 此核發(fā)出的纖維參與組成面神經(jīng),主要支配面部表情肌。⑥舌下神經(jīng) 核nucleus nervi hypoglossi:位于延髓上部,相當于舌下神經(jīng)三 角的深方,發(fā)出的纖維組成舌下神經(jīng),支配舌肌。⑦疑核nucleus  ambiguus:位于延髓上部,此核上部發(fā)出的纖維加入舌咽神經(jīng),支配 咽肌;中部發(fā)出的纖維加入迷走神經(jīng),支配咽、喉??;下部發(fā)出的纖 維組成副神經(jīng)顱根,再經(jīng)迷走神經(jīng)至喉內(nèi)肌。⑧副神經(jīng)核nucleus  nervi accessorii:位于延髓并下續(xù)至脊髓的第5-6頸節(jié),發(fā)出的纖 維組成副神經(jīng)脊髓根,支配胸鎖乳突肌和斜方肌。內(nèi)臟運動核內(nèi)臟運 動核,位于軀體運動核的外側(cè),共有4對核團,它們分別是:①動眼神 經(jīng)副核nucleus oculomotorius accessorius:位于中腦動眼神經(jīng)核 上端的背內(nèi)側(cè),由此核發(fā)出的纖維參與構(gòu)成動眼神經(jīng),支配瞳孔括約 肌和睫狀肌
The lower olive nucleus fibers cross the midline to the opposite side (left and right cross), and accumulate in the dorsolateral aspect of the medulla oblongata. Together with the spinal cerebellum posterior tract, they form the cerebellar inferiors and then enter the cerebellum through the posterior side of the fourth ventricle. The somatic motor nucleus, located on both sides of the midbrain midline, contains a total of eight pairs. They are: 1. Oculomotor nucleus nuclcus nervi oculomotorii: Located in the midmyophlandal plane, where the fibers of the nucleus participate in the formation of the oculomotor nerve, predominating the straight Muscle, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae. 2 trochlear nucleus nucleus nervi trochlearis: located in the plane of the midbrain hypothalamus, the fibers emitted form a trochlear nerve, dominate the superior oblique. 3 Nerve Nucleus nervi abducentis: Located in the middle and lower part of the pons, which corresponds to the deep side of the facial nerve. The fibers of this nucleus constitute an axon and dominate the lateral rectus muscle. 4 Trigeminal nerve motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve: Located in the outer part of the pontine central nucleus, so that the fibers of the nucleus composed of trigeminal motor roots, after the brain join the mandibular nerve, dominate the masticatory muscles. 5 facial nucleus: Located in the middle and lower part of the pons, the fibres emitted from this nucleus participate in the formation of facial nerves and dominate the facial muscles. 6 hypoglossal nucleus nucleus nervi hypoglossi: located in the upper part of the medulla oblongata, equivalent to the deep side of the hypoglossal nerve triangle, the fibers emitted to form the hypoglossal nerve, dominant tongue muscle. 7 suspected nucleus ambiguus: located in the upper medulla oblongata, the fibers emitted from the upper part of the nucleus to join the glossopharyngeal nerve, dominating the pharyngeal muscles; the middle of the fiber sent to join the vagus nerve, dominating pharynx, laryngeal muscles; the lower fiber emitted by the formation of the accessory nerve cranial root, and then Vagus nerve to laryngeal muscles. Eight nuclear nucleus nucleus nervi accessorii: Located in the medulla oblongata and continued to the fifth to the sixth cervical spinal cord, the fibers emitted constitute the accessory nerve spinal cord, dominating the sternocleidomastoid muscle and trapezius muscle. Visceral movement The nuclear visceral motor nucleus, located on the outside of the somatic motor nucleus, has a total of 4 pairs of nuclei. They are: 1 Oculomotor nucleus nucleus oculomotorius accessorius: Located at the dorsal medial side of the midbrain nucleus of the midbrain. The fibers involved in the formation of the oculomotor nerve dominate the pupillary sphincter and ciliary muscle


廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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