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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-103


另外,早 期腦損傷的功能恢復(fù)比晚期腦損傷的功能恢復(fù)快,細(xì)菌為在生命早期 神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的可塑性大,那時大腦半球還未特化或特化不明顯。從解剖學(xué)圖形上看,大腦兩半球并不是鏡映的,這是功能不對稱的基 礎(chǔ)。在*顳回上的表面后部即顳面有著zui可靠的形態(tài)學(xué)不對稱,而 這兒正是語言綜合必需的核心部位。左顳面較大,超過右顳面約40%。 其他不對稱的部位如左側(cè)大腦外側(cè)裂較長,仰角水平低,后額頂區(qū)較 大,枕葉后端較寬等。左右半球功能不對稱的本質(zhì)是什么呢?一開始 人們用言語-非言語或言語-視覺來區(qū)別左右半球的功能分離。這種分 類不能解釋一些較新的資料,如在某些具有空間特征的刺激中,對英 文手寫體的識別與右半球的功能相關(guān),而對印刷體和東方國家的表意 文字的識別則與左半球相關(guān)。再如,感覺那些具有序列和時間順序的 非言語刺激更依賴于左半球而不是右半球,而對某些聽刺激如音樂旋 律的感覺更多地依賴于右半球。細(xì)菌此,兩半球不對稱的本質(zhì)差異更 準(zhǔn)確地被描述為分解-合成或時間-圖形的功能分離。即左半球?qū)Σ煌?條目根據(jù)時間順序安排的分解刺激加工的信息是特化的,如語言、語 法技巧;右半球則對合成刺激加工的信息是特化的,并繼續(xù)形成統(tǒng)一 的圖象,如對旋律、三維物體的感知。當(dāng)然,左右半球的功能不對稱 存在個體差異,比如在缺乏音樂素養(yǎng)的個體中,旋律感覺往往取決于 右半球的作用,但在音樂家中則包括左半球的作用,反映出音樂家能 較大地利用大腦的分析過程。兩半球間的差異是的或是相對的? 即不清楚每個半球是否具有另一半球所特化的加工信息的能力。雖然 兩半球都有處理語言刺激的能力,但并不意味著處理方式*相同。 左半球可能以分析模式進(jìn)行加工,右半球則以整體模式進(jìn)行加工。我 們只能辯證地認(rèn)為兩半球間的差異是相對的而不是的,但缺乏充 分的實驗證據(jù)。另外,我們也不清楚大腦功能不對稱究竟在神經(jīng)系統(tǒng) 的什么水平存在。動物腦是否具有功能不對稱性?按傳統(tǒng)概念,語言被認(rèn)為是大腦功能 不對稱的基礎(chǔ),動物沒有明顯的語言,細(xì)菌此沒有腦功能不對稱。
In addition, the functional recovery of early brain injury recovers more rapidly than the late brain injury, which is characterized by large plasticity of the nervous system early in life when the hemisphere is not specialized or idiosyncratic. From the perspective of anatomical graphics, the two hemispheres of the brain are not mirrored, which is the basis of functional asymmetry. There is the most reliable morphological asymmetry at the posterior surface of the first temporal gyrus, the temporal surface, which is where the core of speech synthesis is needed. The left temporal surface is larger than about 40% of the right temporal surface. Other asymmetric sites such as the left side of the lateral fissure of the brain longer, low elevation level, large posterior facet area, occipital lobe wider. What is the nature of the asymmetric function of the hemispheres? In the beginning people used speech - non-verbal or speech-visual distinction between left and right hemispheres. This classification does not explain some of the newer information. For example, in some of the stimuli with spatial features, the recognition of English handwriting is related to the function of the right hemisphere, while the recognition of the ideographic characters of the printing body and oriental countries is associated with the left hemisphere Related. For another example, feeling non-verbal stimuli with sequence and chronological order relies more on the left hemisphere than on the right hemisphere, and the perception of certain listening stimuli such as musical melodies depends more on the right hemisphere. Bacteria, the essential difference in asymmetry between the two hemispheres, is more accuray described as a functional separation of decomposition-synthesis or time-graphing. That is, the information in the left hemisphere that the different items are processed according to the time-series disaggregation stimuli is specialized, such as language and grammar skills; the right hemisphere is specialized in the information processing of synthetic stimuli and continues to form a unified image, The melody, the perception of three-dimensional objects. Of course, there are individual differences in the functional asymmetry of the left and right hemispheres. For example, melody sensations often depend on the role of the right hemisphere in music-poor individuals, but left-hemisphere effects among musicians, reflecting the greater use of musicians Brain analysis process. The difference between the two hemispheres is absolute or relative? That is, it is unclear whether each hemisphere has the ability to process information that is specific to the other hemisphere. Although both hemispheres have the ability to deal with language stimuli, it does not mean that they are handled in exactly the same way. The left hemisphere may be processed in analytical mode while the right hemisphere is processed in bulk mode. We can only argue that the differences between the two hemispheres are relative rather than absolute, but lack sufficient experimental evidence. In addition, we do not know exactly what level of brain function asymmetry exists in the nervous system. Does the animal brain have functional asymmetry? According to the traditional concept, language is considered to be the basis of asymmetric brain function. There is no obvious language in animals, and the bacteria have no brain function asymmetry.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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