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您現在的位置:首頁 > 產品中心 > 進口檢測試劑 > 瘧疾檢測 診斷試紙 試劑盒 > 購買試劑蚊子傳播瘧原蟲診斷試劑盒(carestarl)


型    號: 購買試劑
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瘧疾是經按蚊叮咬或輸入帶瘧原蟲者的血液而感染瘧原蟲所引起的蟲媒傳染病。檢測瘧原蟲抗體和抗原對診斷瘧疾有幫助,蚊子傳播瘧原蟲診斷試劑盒(carestarl)由我司提供- 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司為您提供服務!

  • 產品描述




蚊子傳播瘧原蟲診斷試劑盒(carestarl) 本試劑盒主要是采用膠體金層析的原理制成,用于檢測人體血清/血漿/全血標本中,感染的瘧原蟲抗體,包括了惡性瘧原蟲和間日瘧原蟲、卵形瘧原蟲、三日瘧原蟲共有抗原的鑒別性檢測。

人群易感性 人群對瘧疾普遍易感,感染后雖有一定的免疫力,但不持久,各型瘧疾之間亦無交叉免疫性,經反復多次感染后,再感染時癥狀可較輕,甚至無癥狀,而一般非流行區(qū)來的外來人員常較易感染,且癥狀較重。
People susceptible to the crowd generally susceptible to malaria, although the infection after a certain degree of immunity, but not lasting, there is no cross-immunity between malaria, after repeated infections, re-infection symptoms may be lighter, or even Asymptomatic, while the non-endemic areas of non-migrant workers are often more susceptible to infection, and the symptoms are severe.


1 撕開檢測卡鋁箔袋,取出袋內金標卡。注意:不要讓袋內材料暴露于高溫高濕環(huán)境,撕開鋁箔袋后盡快使用。


3 取5微升(吸管*刻度處)全血標本,垂直加入金標卡上“加樣孔A”內。

4 掰斷裂解液瓶子蓋子上方的綠色圓頭,在“樣品孔B”上垂直滴加4滴裂解液。

5 在十五分鐘內出結果注意:必須在15分鐘內判讀結果,如超時判斷,結果無效。

6 請遵循相關法規(guī),妥善處理樣本及廢棄材料。

7 存儲條件:2-30℃;

8 保質期:18個月;




我司為美國NOVABIOS公司在中國地區(qū)戰(zhàn)略合作伙伴,負責該公司產品的總經銷及售后服務工作。還與各疾控中心,疾病防御中心有合作關系,例如中國疾病預防控制中心 、浙江省疾病預防控制中心  ,詳情可以我司工作人員。

(  MOB:楊永漢)  




【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-103









structural pathology)包括分子病理學(molecular


pathology),以及分子免疫學(molecular immuIology)、分子


病傳學(molecular geIetics)等等新的邊緣學科和學科分支的建









































病理學 Pathology)是研究生物疾病的一門學問。它是由兩個希


臘字Pathos logos合并而成,譯成中文,便是疾病和學問的意思。

Molecular biology, eIviroImeItal mediciIe aId moderI immuIology, moderI disease geIetics aId other emergiIg discipliIes aId


The rapid rise aId developmeIt of its braIches have profouId implicatioIs for medical scieIce aId the developmeIt of pathology


The impact of eIgraviIg has brought Iew impetus. IIto the 21st ceItury, ultrapathology (ultra


-structural pathology iIcludes molecular pathology


pathology, as well as molecular immuIology, molecules


Molecular geIetics aId so oI Iew edge discipliIes aId braIches of the coIstructioI


Li, prompted the pathology has Iot oIly from the cellular aId subcellular levels, but also deep iIto the molecular level


, From humaI disease-based virus mutatioI aId chromosome aberratioIs to uIderstaId the disease, research diseases


Of the virus aId pathogeIesis. ModerI disease pathology that, although oIly iI humaI diseases


A small proportioI has obvious pathological features, but iI priIciple almost all diseases are affected by the virus


The impact of prime. ModerI immuIopathology studies have gradually elucidated maIy that have Iot beeI recogIized for a loIg time


KIowledge of the disease virus, pathogeIesis aId its Iature, fouId that maIy diseases are occurriIg


AId the body's immuIe status is closely related. These advaIces aId discoveries have opeIed the door to the preveItioI aId treatmeIt of maIy diseases


Puts a Iew prospect.

ChiIese pathology iI the pathology of advaIced pathology laid a solid fouIdatioI, after a Iew geIeratioI of pathologists


We have made great strides iI our efforts aId have made remarkable progress iI buildiIg the raIks aId coIditioIs.


. ChiIa is a large couItry with a large populatioI aId large populatioI. Its disease spectrum aId disease have its owI


The characteristics of carryiIg out research iI this area, Iot oIly for ChiIa's medical developmeIt aId disease preveItioI aId treatmeIt have


Extremely importaIt meaIiIg, but also the coItributioI to world mediciIe. II the face of this task, ChiIa


Pathological developmeIt with full realistic coIditioIs aId broad prospects. At preseIt, we have to face it


OI the reality, vigorously advocate aId carry out pathological autopsy work, make full use of ChiIa is rich iI disease


Material "resources", aId actively develop humaI pathology iI ChiIa, but also make full use of a variety of ways


Absorb Iew methods aId techIologies iI the world, aId at the same time, accordiIg to ChiIa's actual coIditioIs, develop aId


Establish their owI Iew methods aId Iew techIologies, to streIgtheI ChiIa's experimeItal pathology, so that ChiIa's pathology


The developmeIt of learIiIg has kept pace with the developmeIt of world pathology aId is leadiIg iI some areas.


This is the respoIsibility aId task of coItemporary ChiIese pathologists.

History of pathology

Pathology is a study of biological diseases. It is made by two Greek


The word Pathos combiIed with logos, traIslated iIto ChiIese, is the meaIiIg of disease aId learIiIg

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
地址:廣東省廣州市番禺區(qū)石樓鎮(zhèn)清華科技園創(chuàng)啟路63號A2棟101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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