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聯(lián)系人: 楊永漢
E-mail: service@jianlun.com
您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > > PCR試劑盒 > 細菌性腦膜炎3聯(lián)熒光PCR檢測試劑盒


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細菌性腦膜炎3聯(lián)熒光PCR檢測試劑盒 多通道核酸檢測試劑盒 本PCR試劑由廣州健侖提供。

  • 產(chǎn)品描述



One tube multiplex for detection AND quantification of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae and internal control.


JL-FT049戊型肝炎病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Hepatitis E RNA
JL-FT050病毒性腦膜炎5聯(lián)熒光PCR檢測試劑盒Viral meningitis
JL-FT051病毒性腦膜炎5聯(lián)檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Viral meningitis
JL-FT052細菌性腦膜炎3重檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Bacterial meningitis
JL-FT053Bacterial meningitis
JL-FT054神經(jīng)9項聯(lián)合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Neuro 9
JL-FT055核心熱帶病7項聯(lián)合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Tropical fever core
JL-FT056非洲熱帶病4聯(lián)檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Tropical fever Africa
JL-FT057亞洲熱帶病5聯(lián)檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Tropical fever Asia
JL-FT059四種瘧原蟲檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Malaria differentiation
JL-FT061登革熱1/2/3/4型聯(lián)合檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Dengue differentiation
JL-FT065寨卡病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)Zika virus
JL-FT067西尼羅河病毒檢測試劑盒(PCR-熒光探針法)West Nile virus





【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-103室


This method is practical and effective. Molds, actinomycetes, spores and bacteria can be preserved more than 2 years immortality, yeast can be stored for 1-2 years, the general non-spore bacteria can be stored for about 1 year, even with the usual method is difficult to preserve meningococci, at 37 ℃ Thermostat, can also be stored for 3 months. This method has the advantage of making a simple, no special equipment, and do not need to move frequently. The disadvantage is that the preservation must be placed upright, occupy a larger location, but also inconvenient to carry. Care should be taken when the culture rings are burned in the flame after the paraffin is removed from the liquid paraffin and the culture is easily splashed together with residual liquid paraffin.
3. Filter paper preservation method
(1) The filter paper cut into 0.5 × 1.2cm strip into the 0.6 × 8cm ampoule tube, each tube 1-2, tampon plug, 1.05kg / cm2>, 121 Sterilize at 3 ° C for 30 minutes.
(2) The need to save the strains, cultured in the appropriate slant medium, so that full growth.
(3) Take 1-2ml sterile skim milk drop in sterile petri dishes or test tube, take a few ring bacteria in the milk mix, made into a suspension.
(4) using sterile tweezers to take the filter paper from ampoule tube immersed in the bacterial suspension, make it saturated, and then back into the ampoule tube, tampon plug.
(5) Place the ampoule into a desiccator containing phosphorus pentoxide as a water-absorbing agent and pump it to dryness with a vacuum pump.
(6) The cotton into the tube, flame with Figure VII-13 seal, stored at low temperature.
(7) need to use bacteria, the resurrection culture, the ampoule nozzle can be heated in the flame, a drop of cold water in the hot parts, so that the glass rupture, and then tweezers knock the mouth of the glass until the ampoule tube open , Remove the filter paper, into the liquid medium, incubator incubator.
Bacteria, yeasts, filamentous fungi can be preserved by this method, the first two can be stored for about 2 years, some filamentous fungi can even be preserved for 14-17 years. This method is more liquid nitrogen, freeze-drying method is simple, does not require special equipment.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
地址:廣東省廣州市番禺區(qū)石樓鎮(zhèn)清華科技園創(chuàng)啟路63號A2棟101 Email:service@jianlun.com
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