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EIKEN嗜肺軍團菌試劑盒(免疫捕獲法) 軍團菌革蘭氏陰性桿菌 需要了解更多產(chǎn)品可以咨詢我們,本產(chǎn)品由廣州健侖生物科技有限公司提供

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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-3室


在醫(yī)學系博士后研究人員Gopinath Sutendra和Evangelos Michelakis教授的下,這一研究小組發(fā)現(xiàn)過去被認為僅定位在線粒體內(nèi)的一種酶: 丙酮酸脫氫酶復合體(PDC)實際上可以進入到細胞核中,完成它在線粒體中所做的事情:生成乙酰輔酶A。在線粒體中時,PDC利用我們飲食中的碳水化合物來生成乙酰輔酶A是為了產(chǎn)生能量。而在細胞核中,PDC生成乙酰輔酶A是為了實現(xiàn)組蛋白乙?;?br />Sutendra說:“一種酶從一個細胞器跳躍到另一個細胞器中,這真是*,我們的結(jié)果相當?shù)捏@人。我們原本想檢測線粒體中乙酰輔酶A的水平和PDC,因為我們認為它們存在于那里。然而偶然地我們同時得到了分離出的細胞核,我們在細胞核中看到了PDC。因此我們提出了疑問,‘PDC在那里做什么?’一切由此開始。”
Michelakis 說:“我們驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn),盡管早就認識到了組蛋白乙?;诩毎飳W和醫(yī)學中的重要性,盡管許多人付諸了努力來開發(fā)調(diào)控組蛋白乙?;乃幬?,但對于細胞核中乙酰輔酶A的來源仍不清楚。有時候一些重要的生物學問題的答案就在我們身邊,等待著我們?nèi)グl(fā)現(xiàn)。”
普林斯頓大學分子生物學教授Alexei Korennykh說“這項研究使得所有這種大的復雜的爛攤子的zui美麗簡化。基本上,他們識別和精確定位與這一開關決定有關的特殊蛋白并解釋這一決定是怎么做的。”但是加利福尼亞拉霍亞伯納姆醫(yī)學研究所的Randal Kaufman 并沒有留下深刻印象。他懷疑支持作者主要理論關于這一關鍵細胞過程的實驗生理學關聯(lián)性。

Led by Gopinath Sutendra and Evangelos Michelakis, postdoctoral researchers in the Department of Medicine, the team found that the enzyme, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC), an enzyme previously thought to locate only within the mitochondria, can actually enter the nucleus , To accomplish what it does in the mitochondria: generate acetyl-CoA. In mitochondria, PDC uses the carbohydrates in our diet to produce acetyl-CoA for energy production. In the nucleus, PDC produces acetyl-CoA for histone acetylation.
Sutendra said: "It's really unheard of that an enzyme jumps from one organelle to another organelle, and we're pretty alarming.We originally wanted to examine acetylcholine-coenzyme A levels and PDC in the mitochondria because we thought they were there. Occasionally, however, we got both separated nuclei, and we saw the PDC in the nucleus, so we asked the question, 'Where does the PDC do?'
"We were surprised to find that although the importance of histone acetylation in cell biology and medicine has long been recognized, and despite the many efforts that have been made to develop drugs that regulate histone acetylation, in the nucleus The source of acetyl-CoA remains unclear, and sometimes the answers to some of the key biological questions are right around us, waiting for us to discover. "
The team's discovery that PDC translocates to the nucleus to allow cancer cells to grow at a faster rate may have led to other strategies to fight cancer. Since these findings are linked to our DNA regulation in general, this study is likely to have a broader impact on many physiological and pathological conditions, which are crucial for epigenetic regulation. "We are excited to find this new signal pathway linking energy production (metabolic processes) to gene regulation," the researchers said.
According to an article in science, a cellular stress pathway called unfolded protein response (UPR) activates or reduces the death receptor 5 protein (DR5), which promotes or prevents cellular antigen antibodies. The theory holds that initial stress prevents cellular antigen antibodies or apoptosis, so that cells have a chance to adapt, but it eventually triggers apoptosis if stress persists.
Alexei Korennykh, a professor of molecular biology at Princeton University, said: "This study makes the most beautiful simplification of all this big, complex mess, and basically they identify and pinpoint specific proteins that are relevant to this switch decision and explain that What to do. "But Randal Kaufman of La Jolla Burnham Medical Institute in California did not impress. He doubted his support for the author's primary theory of the experimental physiology of this crucial cellular process.

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