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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-3室


杜克大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院的科學(xué)家在HIV感染的人中發(fā)現(xiàn),產(chǎn)生廣譜中和抗體的一種免疫機制。這項研究結(jié)果在很大程度上是HIV疫苗誘導(dǎo)產(chǎn)生有效的中和抗體的關(guān)鍵。相關(guān)文章發(fā)表于2014年7月24日的《Cell》雜志上。該研究小組發(fā)現(xiàn),兩種不同的B細胞譜系抗體聯(lián)手,刺激備受追捧的廣譜中和抗體對抗HIV。該研究組由杜克大學(xué)艾滋病毒/艾滋病疫苗免疫學(xué),免疫原發(fā)現(xiàn)(CHAVI-ID)中心杜克大學(xué)人類疫苗研究所的主任巴頓·海恩斯,以及該疫苗研究中心的國家過敏和傳染病研究所(NIAID)的主任John Mascola醫(yī)學(xué)博士所的。

“一個bnAb譜系的成熟可以通過輔助譜系來提升的這一發(fā)現(xiàn),對艾滋病疫苗的發(fā)展有著重要的影響,”文章*作者、杜克大學(xué)人類疫苗研究所Feng Gao博士說。“來自于初始傳播/原始病毒的免疫原的反復(fù)免疫,以及逃避變體與bnAb譜系具有更高的結(jié)合能力,都可能需要激活bnAbs。”
“下一步是要在能夠產(chǎn)生廣譜中和抗體的其他個體中進行類似的研究,并確定誘導(dǎo)這種抗體的其他特異性是一個普遍的機制,” 海恩斯說。“然后,zui終證明,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)可用于設(shè)計可誘導(dǎo)廣譜中和抗體的免疫原。”

After trial and error, the researchers finally discovered the second gene, the role of GTPBP2 - tRNAs in specific tRNAs found in the brain, to help translate DNA into proteins. This tRNA gene mutation causes the ribosome to stop on a particular DNA sequence, slowing the protein synthesis process.
Researchers noted that as the genetic background used in this study was to build other human disease models, researchers using this mouse model should pay more attention.
Scientists at Duke University School of Medicine found in HIV-infected humans an immune mechanism that produces broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies. The results of this study are to a large extent the key to the generation of effective neutralizing antibodies by HIV vaccines. The article appeared in the July 24, 2014 "Cell" magazine. The team found that two different B-cell lineage antibodies work in tandem to stimulate the highly sought-after broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies against HIV. The research team was led by Barton Haynes, director of the Duke University HIV Vaccine Immunology, Duke University Center for Human Immunization Discovery (CHAVI-ID) Center at Duke University, and the National Allergy and Infectious Diseases Led by John Mascola, MD, director of the Institute (NIAID).
Haynes said the activation of antibodies that neutralize multiple hiv strains is a key strategy for a global vaccine. High levels of this antibody are produced in about 20% of HIV-infected individuals.
Last year, the team first described in Nature the co-evolution of broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs), and the virus activates these antibodies in infected individuals. The same team now reports on the exact mechanism by which B cells in the immune system in a patient learn to neutralize many of the HIV strains.
In this new study, scientists were surprised to find that a co-neutralizing antibody group works with cross-reacting neutralizing antibodies to produce a robust set of broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies. Other accessory lineages contain antibodies that neutralize the virus that causes the infection.

This antibody targets the outer membrane region of the virus, which is also capable of binding to a broad spectrum of neutralizing antibodies. In doing so, the accessory lineage antibody selects a more competent virus to stimulate the broad-spectrum neutralizing antibody system.
Thus, a panel of antibodies selected from a group of virus escape mutants "teaches" how broad-spectrum neutralizing antigens neutralize HIV variants. Scientists speculate that this process occurs repeatedly throughout the infection, resulting in the production of antibody profiles that neutralize multiple HIV strains.
"The discovery that the maturation of a bnAb lineage can be enhanced by ancillary lineages has a significant impact on the development of an AIDS vaccine," said lead author Feng Gao, PhD, of Duke University's Human Vaccine Institute. "Repeated immunizations from immunogens that originate / originate the virus, and the ability of escape variants to bind to the bnAb lineage, may require the activation of bnAbs."
"The next step is to do similar research in other individuals that are capable of producing broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies and to establish that other specificities that induce such antibodies are a common mechanism," Haines said. "And then it turns out that this finding can be used to design immunogens that induce broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies."
Using the results of this study, which mimicked the development of neutralizing antibodies in naturally infected HIV, a vaccine immunogen has been designed that selectively triggers the production of antibody-producing B cells to produce broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies.
With the development of cancer, the normal blood supply slowly can not meet their needs, so excessive growth of tumor tissue to absorb oxygen than the normal tissue less, this hypoxic environment called hypoxia, hypoxia often And different types of malignancies related to the occurrence.
In this study, researchers using colon cancer tissue research found that hypoxia can induce key tumor suppressor gene MLH1 silence; at the same time researchers also found a class called LSD1 enzymes, this enzyme is a Species of lysine-specific demethylase, enzymes LSD1 together with MLH1 can be used as reversing or blocking the process of silencing the target; because LSD1 is a special enzyme, so scientists can make use of small molecules on their target To act to inhibit its activity.

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