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牛雙芽巴貝西蟲(chóng)免疫熒光玻片 立克次體 巴爾通體 需要了解更多產(chǎn)品可以咨詢我們,本產(chǎn)品由廣州健侖生物科技有限公司提供

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babesia bigemina IFA Substrate slide



產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:12 孔/張,10 張/盒

主要產(chǎn)品包括:包柔氏螺旋體菌、布魯氏菌、貝納特氏立克次體、土倫桿菌、鉤端螺旋體、新型立克次體、恙蟲(chóng)病、立克次體、果氏巴貝西蟲(chóng)、馬焦蟲(chóng)、牛焦蟲(chóng)、利什曼蟲(chóng)、新包蟲(chóng)、弓形蟲(chóng)、貓流感病毒、貓冠狀病毒、貓皰疹病毒、犬瘟病毒、犬細(xì)小病毒等病原微生物的 IFA、MIF、ELISA試劑。





JL-FL38parkeri立克次體IgG ELISAR. parkeri IgG ELISA Kit
JL-FL39montanensis立克次體IgG ELISAR. montanensis IgG ELISA Kit
JL-FL40EB病毒衣殼IgG免疫熒光玻片試劑盒EBV Viral Capsid IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL41EB病毒衣殼IgM免疫熒光玻片試劑盒EBV Viral Capsid IgM IFA Kit
JL-FL42EB病毒早期抗原IgG免疫熒光玻片試劑盒EBV Early Antigens IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL43鉤端螺旋體IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Leptospira IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL44鉤端螺旋體IgM免疫熒光試劑盒Leptospira IgM IFA Kit
JL-FL45果氏巴貝西蟲(chóng)免疫熒光玻片Babesia microti IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL46果氏巴貝西蟲(chóng)IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Babesia microti IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL47果氏巴貝西蟲(chóng)IgM免疫熒光試劑盒Babesia microti IgM IFA Kit
JL-FL48埃立克體IgG微量免疫熒光試劑盒Ehrlichia canis Canine IFA IgG Kit
JL-FL49包柔氏螺旋體菌IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Borrelia IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL50布魯氏菌IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Brucella IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL51里氏新立克次體IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Neorickettsia risticii IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL52弓形蟲(chóng)IgG免疫熒光試劑盒(檢測(cè)貓)Toxoplasma IFA Feline IgG Kit
JL-FL53弓形蟲(chóng)IgG免疫熒光試劑盒(檢測(cè)狗)Toxoplasma IFA Canine IgG Kit


【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號(hào)二期2幢101-3室


近日,有名雜志《自然—結(jié)構(gòu)和分子生物學(xué)》(Nature Structural & molecular biology) 在線刊登了中國(guó)科學(xué)院生物物理研究所秦燕研究員的科研成果“A conserved proline switch on the ribosome facilitates the recruitment and binding of trGTPases,”,文章中,研究者報(bào)道了核糖體招募翻譯因子的重要分子機(jī)理。

The main role of autophagy for cell damage and toxic protein damage role. Autophagy can prevent the accumulation of IAPP toxic proteins in those with no type 2 diabetes. In patients with type 2 diabetes, this process does not work properly and instead destroys beta cells. The insulin secreted by beta cells plays an important role in maintaining glycemic health. A few studies have previously revealed that autophagy is important for the function and survival of beta cells but does not reveal the regulatory effect of this process on amyloidosis leading to type 2 diabetes.
The study utilized three experimental models, pancreatic islet cells, islet cells isolated from mice expressing human IAPP, and human islets. The study found that autophagy plays an important role in the clearance of IAPP from pancreatic β cells. To confirm this finding, the researchers constructed a novel mouse model that lacked autophagy in the mouse β-cell and also expressed human amylin. The researchers found that the mice increased the level of IAPP, a toxic protein, which led to the death of beta cells. As a result, these mice further developed into diabetes. In addition to the above findings, this study again confirms the similarities between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases that are marked by the accumulation of toxic amyloid. Autophagy also plays an important role in these diseases.
The aim of this study was to investigate the cellular mechanisms of beta-cell damage in order to determine the target of the beta-cell-protected antigen-antibody. The discovery helps to develop a new generation of treatments for type 2 diabetes.
Recently, the world-renowned journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology published the latest research results of Qin Yan, a researcher at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, "A conserved proline switch on the ribosome facilitates the recruitment and binding of trGTPases, "the article reports on the important molecular mechanisms by which ribosomes recruit translation factors.
Ribosomes are protein translation factories where the genetic information carried on the messenger RNA is translated into protein. Completion of the protein biosynthesis process requires the coordination of ribosomes and a large number of translation factors, the process of ribosome recruitment of translation factors is complex and has not been conclusive.

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