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鉤端螺旋體IgM免疫熒光試劑盒 立克次體 巴爾通體 需要了解更多產(chǎn)品可以咨詢我們,本產(chǎn)品由廣州健侖生物科技有限公司提供

  • 產(chǎn)品描述


Leptospira IgM IFA Kit



產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:12 孔/張,10 張/盒

主要產(chǎn)品包括:包柔氏螺旋體菌、布魯氏菌、貝納特氏立克次體、土倫桿菌、鉤端螺旋體、新型立克次體、恙蟲病、立克次體、果氏巴貝西蟲、馬焦蟲、牛焦蟲、利什曼蟲、新包蟲、弓形蟲、貓流感病毒、貓冠狀病毒、貓皰疹病毒、犬瘟病毒、犬細小病毒等病原微生物的 IFA、MIF、ELISA試劑。





JL-FL38parkeri立克次體IgG ELISAR. parkeri IgG ELISA Kit
JL-FL39montanensis立克次體IgG ELISAR. montanensis IgG ELISA Kit
JL-FL40EB病毒衣殼IgG免疫熒光玻片試劑盒EBV Viral Capsid IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL41EB病毒衣殼IgM免疫熒光玻片試劑盒EBV Viral Capsid IgM IFA Kit
JL-FL42EB病毒早期抗原IgG免疫熒光玻片試劑盒EBV Early Antigens IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL43鉤端螺旋體IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Leptospira IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL44Leptospira IgM IFA Kit
JL-FL45果氏巴貝西蟲免疫熒光玻片Babesia microti IFA Substrate slide
JL-FL46果氏巴貝西蟲IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Babesia microti IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL47果氏巴貝西蟲IgM免疫熒光試劑盒Babesia microti IgM IFA Kit
JL-FL48埃立克體IgG微量免疫熒光試劑盒Ehrlichia canis Canine IFA IgG Kit
JL-FL49包柔氏螺旋體菌IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Borrelia IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL50布魯氏菌IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Brucella IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL51里氏新立克次體IgG免疫熒光試劑盒Neorickettsia risticii IgG IFA Kit
JL-FL52弓形蟲IgG免疫熒光試劑盒(檢測貓)Toxoplasma IFA Feline IgG Kit
JL-FL53弓形蟲IgG免疫熒光試劑盒(檢測狗)Toxoplasma IFA Canine IgG Kit


【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】    楊永漢 
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-3室


聽說我們的研究后,人們自然想知道,用小鼠胚胎干細胞所做的工作究竟能否給眼疾患者帶來好處。在這個方向上,我們已取得了一些進展。值得一提的是,我的實驗室zui近剛剛在一篇文章中報道過,我們成功地使人類胚胎干細胞分化成視杯和多層神經(jīng)組織。我們預計,同樣的培養(yǎng)方法也可應用于人類的誘導多能干細胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS)——成熟細胞受到特定刺激后,經(jīng)過逆轉的發(fā)育過程,可成為誘導多能干細胞,其行為與胚胎干細胞相似。我們還發(fā)明了更好的低溫貯存方法,能在液氮中儲存由人類胚胎細胞分化成的視網(wǎng)膜組織。
*有數(shù)百萬人患有黃斑變性、視網(wǎng)膜色素變性(retinitis pigmentosa)和青光眼(glaucoma),這三種視網(wǎng)膜退行性疾病的患者也許都可以從我們的研究中獲益。三種疾病中,發(fā)生病變的視網(wǎng)膜細胞層各不相同。在黃斑變性中,由于支撐組織“崩潰”,視網(wǎng)膜上皮的完整性受到影響,光感受器細胞也發(fā)生退化,尤其是視網(wǎng)膜中心區(qū)域。在視網(wǎng)膜色素變性中,視桿細胞(rod,光感受器細胞的一種)數(shù)量一年年逐漸減少,zui初也是zui常見的癥狀是“夜盲”,而后來,患者會喪失大部分視野,只剩下一小塊中心視野。在青光眼病例中,受損的則是神經(jīng)節(jié)細胞,這類細胞會伸出視神經(jīng),把視網(wǎng)膜與大腦后部皮層上的視覺處理中心連接起來。

Another issue that remains unclear is how the monolayer of the retinal epithelium evolves into a cup-like shape. In general, mechanical and tissue rigidity control epithelial tissue deformation. By measuring the direction of stress and the stiffness of the tissue in different parts of the epithelium in vitro during the formation of the optic cup, we found that three steps are required to form this structure. During this process, the rigidities of the retina weaken and the flexibility increases. At the same time, the cells at the junction of the retina and the epithelium become wedges. Finally, the retina is invaded by rapid expansion. These three steps on the formation of the cup is crucial. In fact, when we put these conditions related to the mechanical properties of the organization into our computer simulation program, we were indeed familiar with the shape of the glass.
The process of inducing embryonic stem cells to form the retina in petri dishes briefly reproduces the major steps in eye development in the embryo. The technology is invaluable to basic research and helps to develop therapies that help patients with vision loss regain their eyesight. As shown in the figure below, embryonic stem cells began to aggregate after the addition of a molecule called growth factor; about five days later, the most primitive vesicles began to form. By day 7, the vesicles bulged outward; a few days later, the structure retracted to form an optic cup; by day 24, all layers of the retina were initially rudimentary.
Application prospects
After hearing about our research, it is natural to wonder whether the work done with mouse embryonic stem cells can benefit patients with eye diseases. In this direction, we have made some progress. It is worth mentioning that my laboratory recently reported in an article that we successfully differentiated human embryonic stem cells into optic cups and multiple layers of neural tissue. We expect that the same culture can also be applied to human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which are induced pluripotent stem cells after their specific stimuli have undergone a specific process of development Embryonic stem cells are similar. We have also invented better cryogenic storage methods that store retinal tissue differentiated from human embryonic cells in liquid nitrogen.
These efforts will promote the use of cultured retinal tissue in medicine. For example, we can make artificial retina to help people study the pathological mechanism of common eye diseases, promote the research of new drugs and gene therapy, and reverse the retinopathy.
Millions of people worldwide have macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma, and all three patients with retinal degenerative diseases may benefit from our study. Of the three diseases, retinal layers of the lesion vary. In macular degeneration, the integrity of the retinal epithelium is affected by the collapsing of the supporting tissue, and the photoreceptor cells also degenerate, especially in the central retinal region. In retinitis pigmentosa, the number of rods (a type of photoreceptor cells) gradually decreases year by year, the first and most common symptom is "night blindness", and later, the patient will lose most of the field of vision, leaving only A small central field of vision. In glaucoma cases, ganglion cells are damaged, and these cells extend the optic nerve, connecting the retina to the visual processing center on the posterior cortex of the brain.

廣州健侖生物科技有限公司(www.backhome.top) 熱門產(chǎn)品:喹諾酮類檢測試劑盒,西尼羅河檢測試劑,基孔肯雅熱試劑,寨卡檢測試劑,疫病核酸試劑
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